Card lock
Laura Magrisso
Adding my vote to reiterate interest in this on behalf of my client, Alexandra Wagner, from Ventura Foods. She already personally added her name to this Canny, FYI.
Additional context I learned from customer meeting - We discussed this feature at her renewal call and it is important for her to prevent last minute changes to newsletters after she receives approval from higher ups. It has created an issue for her in the past when users have gone into edition and changed what was supposed to be 'final.'
Christine Coyne
Merged in a post:
Locking Cards
Atomic Gecko
Locking cards to prevent edits after review
Along with what’s above, some of our writers and our approver have suggested the ability to lock a card for edition. E.g., the approver would like to be able to lock the final version of a card, to ensure no-one changes the contents after she’s approved it for release.